繼昨日 Rudy Gobert 與 Kyle Anderson 衝突爆發之後,灰狼球員 Jaden McDaniels 於中場經過球員通道返回休息室時,疑似因不滿個人表現不佳,而爆氣捶了牆壁一拳,沒想到這一拳竟讓他手部骨折,現在確定缺席即將到來的附加賽,灰狼一夕間缺少兩名球員,交手湖人戰況岌岌可危。
延伸閱讀:是湖人穩還是灰狼穩?Rudy Gobert 確定交手湖人附加賽遭禁賽,美媒點出關鍵勝率!
Jaden McDaniels punched a wall on the way to the locker room
— Bleacher Report (@BleacherReport) April 9, 2023
He is out the rest of the game with a hand injury pic.twitter.com/QVGMp1hful
灰狼記者曝 Jaden McDaniels 捶牆原因
過去 NBA 因球員因表現生氣宣洩而受傷的案例,層出不窮,而據灰狼記者 Jon Krawczynski 的消息指出,Jaden McDaniels 之所以會捶牆,全因他不知道後面是堅硬的水泥材質?
Jon Krawczynski 於推特中表示:「雖然現在骨折結果無法改變,但 McDaniels 經過的通道當時被塑膠布覆蓋。有人告訴我,他用手捶塑料幕時並不知道後面有一堵混凝土牆。消息人士稱,他已向隊友和教練道歉,並為自己的錯誤承擔責任。」
Doesn't change the result (broken hand), but the tunnel McDaniels went down is covered in a plastic curtain. I'm told he hit the curtain not knowing there was a concrete wall behind it. He apologized to his teammates and coaches & took responsibility for his mistake, sources said https://t.co/R8UeMjh3tl
— Jon Krawczynski (@JonKrawczynski) April 10, 2023
Jaden McDaniels 今年才 22 歲,本季能繳出 12.1 分 3.9 籃板 1.9 助攻,各項數據都逐年上升,是灰狼不可或缺的先發前鋒。但如今 Jaden McDaniels 卻因為自己的疏忽,而導致缺席季後賽,不論是對個人或是球隊,絕對都是一大損失。
Jaden McDaniels
image via si