
誰說宅男沒有未來?他靠一塊布走出國際!獨家專訪 Mr Uekusa:「差點讓大家看見我私密部位」


不過若要從現在百般特色人物選出代表之一,來自日本埼玉縣上尾市吉本興業(YOSHIMOTO KOGYO CO., LTD.)的搞笑藝人 Mr Uekusa / WES-P 可謂是為了與全世界分享創意的必提人選,憑藉「一塊布與各種道具」他參與了大大小小的比賽,像是英國達人秀《Britain’s Got Talent》、格魯吉亞達人秀《Georgia’s Got Talent》等,都是大家對 Mr Uekusa 耳熟能詳的著名演出,更還被西岸饒舌大佬 Snoop Dogg 冠上「Magician」的封號,無疑從日本國內真正走向國際。

除了上述,也如是 2018 年 Mr Uekusa 登演義大利節目《Tú sí que vales!》,在身體疊上一塊布放置三個水杯便堪稱經典,通過瞬間抽取在眾目睽睽下來保持物體屹立不搖,便為人津津樂道。要知道,如要像 Mr Uekusa 這樣呈現表演其實是相當困難的,從力度的掌握到相互物體間的拉力都必須掌握得宜,尤其是在現場表演下的氣氛亦讓其更不容易。

以往 Mr Uekusa 於法國達人秀《 La France》的表演應證了這項事實,絲襪套頭疊水杯,他利用絲襪高物理的反射性,保證疊加置物不會落下完成「零誤差」的整個表演,再加上成功後的「經典表情」,引起觀眾們拍手叫好。此外,側旁的官方人員也同步模仿了表演皆已失敗告終,可見 Mr Uekusa 的表演是其他人模仿不來的。

當然,Mr Uekusa 不只是「招牌抽桌巾」,近年由於技術不斷的精進,通過他的 Instagram 以及 Youtube 官方頻道ウエスP -Mr Uekusa- Wes-P 」和 TikTok 頻道uespiiiii.1115還能看見延伸出各種不同的表演,例如無人機抽桌巾、馬桶疏通器點仙女棒、可樂曼陀珠噴發挑戰、撲克籌碼挑戰等,甚至,還能銜接「時事迷因」串聯自身精湛的出演,今年度日本 BitStar 更將 Mr Uekusa 入選為 2022 上半年 10 大影片創作者排名。

@uespiiiii.1115 Thank you 11M Followers!#かわいい #kawaii ♬ I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston

對此,為了解 Mr Uekusa 在創作影片的方式,我們也邀來本人進行專訪,希望讓大家更加接近這位有趣的搞笑藝人。

1.Hi Mr.Uekusa , 請先跟 COOL 的朋友們打聲招呼

嗨 COOL的讀者們,我的名字是WesP/Mr. Uekusa。如果覺得這次的訪談很有趣,請來我的社交網站看看囉。







5.你在表演時總會放 Daft Punk 的《One More Time》,是因為這首歌特別會燃起觀看慾望嗎?還是對你有其他意義?







我想你在說得是 Cameo。這項服務是你可以委託我製作帶著給你特別訊息的客製化影片。我製作過生日和其他紀念日的客製化影片。我認為這是個與我的粉絲們互動和回饋的最佳方式。



English Version

Internet as a cross-culture, cross-nations virtual field is a place where creativity is measured.  Having a good material not only enables people of different cultural backgrounds to appreciate together; it can also penetrate peoples’ hearts and arouse resonate topics.  Such freedom also changes our idea about entertainment.  From un-boxing, food critic, live streaming et al genre with personal interpretation could expand into a brand new amazing public theme.  Even the niche hobby is able to bring people of common interest together into a fiery social group through gradual establishment.

However, if we are to pick one representative out of all sorts of special figures, Uekusa/WES-P, a comedian from YOSHIMOTO KOGYO CO., LTD., is the must-mentioned candidate out of all the people in the world that share their creativity.  With “one piece of cloth and all sorts of props”, he participated in different shows such as Britain’s Got Talent, Gerogia’s Got Talent.  People are familiar with his famous performance, and US West Coast rapper Snoop Dogg dubbed him as the Magician which no doubt for him to move from Japan to the world.

In addition to the above, people still talked about Mr. Uekusa’s classic performance in the Italian show [Tú sí que vales!] in 2018 in which he stacked three glasses of water on top of the cloth on his body in front of the audience, he extracted the cloth instantly keeping the three glasses of water standing.  It was very difficult for anyone to perform as Mr. Uekusa as the his strength and the tensile force among the objects must be mastered properly; and performing in front of live audience made it even more challenging.

Mr. Uekusa’s performance in French Got Talent show [La France] proved this.  He pulled a stocking over his head and laid a glass of water on top of it and used the high physical reflectivity of stockings to ensure the superimposed items would not fall to complete his zero error performance.  With his classic expression after the success, the audience all clapped and applauded.  The staff on the side of the stage tried to simultaneously duplicate his performance and failed.  Thus we know that Mr. Uekusa’s performance cannot be duplicated by others.

Of course pulling the tablecloth is not the only performance of Mr. Uekusa.  Due to the advancement of technology in recent years, we can see in his Instagram, official channel ウエスP -Mr Uekusa- Wes-Pon YouTube and uespiiiii.1115 on TikTok other extended performances such as drone pulling the tablecloth, lighting sparkler with a plunger, mentos in cola eruption challenge, poker chip challenge, et al and he was able to relate current affair memes with his own superb performances.  BitStar of Japan this year even selected Mr. Uekusa as the top 10 video creator ranking of the first half of 2022.

@uespiiiii.1115 Thank you 11M Followers!#かわいい #kawaii ♬ I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston

In order to understand the way Mr. Uekusa creates his videos, we invite him for an interview hoping to get to know this comedian even better.

1.Hi Mr. Uekusa, please say hi to friends in COOL.

Hi COOL readers, my name is WesP/Mr. Uekusa. Please check out my social media if you find this interview interesting!

2. How did you start to have this interest?

I started out as a comedic entertainer in Japan, and wanted to perform on TV and many different kinds of media. To stand out from others I started to do something different.

3. Where did the inspiration of pulling table cloth in nude come from?

I’ve been doing this table cloth pulling trick on different parts of my body for a while before I realized I had no more space to do it on. So eventually that lead to me doing the table cloth pulling with a tea cup on my nude body.

4.Were you embarrassed when you started the performance?

I don’t feel embarrassed anymore, but I might’ve felt like so when I started out my career. It’s been a long time.

5.You always have “One More Time” by Daft Punk as your background music for performance, is it because this song ignites desire for watching or does it have other meanings to you?

I was looking for an internationally popular song to use in my performance, and I heard this cool tune play on a commercial. That is when I decided to play this song during my act.

6. Do you have a most unforgettable lapse during your performance?

One time I accidentally dropped the tea cup when I was doing my act and the audience almost saw my…private area.

7.Which is your most proud performance?

I’m very proud of the table cloth pulling tricks I’ve invented using a drone.

8.We notice that you offer customized video; could you explain to friends in Taiwan what kind of content is provided with purchase?

I think you are talking about Cameo. This is a service where you can commission me to make custom videos with special messages just for you. I’ve done birthdays and other anniversaries. I think it is a great way for me to interact and give back to my fans.

9. Could you reveal your plan for the future?

I hope to work hard and be widely known so I could perform live all over the world.


不過若要從現在百般特色人物選出代表之一,來自日本埼玉縣上尾市吉本興業(YOSHIMOTO KOGYO CO., LTD.)的搞笑藝人 Mr Uekusa / WES-P 可謂是為了與全世界分享創意的必提人選,憑藉「一塊布與各種道具」他參與了大大小小的比賽,像是英國達人秀《Britain’s Got Talent》、格魯吉亞達人秀《Georgia’s Got Talent》等,都是大家對 Mr Uekusa 耳熟能詳的著名演出,更還被西岸饒舌大佬 Snoop Dogg 冠上「Magician」的封號,無疑從日本國內真正走向國際。

除了上述,也如是 2018 年 Mr Uekusa 登演義大利節目《Tú sí que vales!》,在身體疊上一塊布放置三個水杯便堪稱經典,通過瞬間抽取在眾目睽睽下來保持物體屹立不搖,便為人津津樂道。要知道,如要像 Mr Uekusa 這樣呈現表演其實是相當困難的,從力度的掌握到相互物體間的拉力都必須掌握得宜,尤其是在現場表演下的氣氛亦讓其更不容易。

以往 Mr Uekusa 於法國達人秀《 La France》的表演應證了這項事實,絲襪套頭疊水杯,他利用絲襪高物理的反射性,保證疊加置物不會落下完成「零誤差」的整個表演,再加上成功後的「經典表情」,引起觀眾們拍手叫好。此外,側旁的官方人員也同步模仿了表演皆已失敗告終,可見 Mr Uekusa 的表演是其他人模仿不來的。

當然,Mr Uekusa 不只是「招牌抽桌巾」,近年由於技術不斷的精進,通過他的 Instagram 以及 Youtube 官方頻道ウエスP -Mr Uekusa- Wes-P 」和 TikTok 頻道uespiiiii.1115還能看見延伸出各種不同的表演,例如無人機抽桌巾、馬桶疏通器點仙女棒、可樂曼陀珠噴發挑戰、撲克籌碼挑戰等,甚至,還能銜接「時事迷因」串聯自身精湛的出演,今年度日本 BitStar 更將 Mr Uekusa 入選為 2022 上半年 10 大影片創作者排名。

對此,為了解 Mr Uekusa 在創作影片的方式,我們也邀來本人進行專訪,希望讓大家更加接近這位有趣的搞笑藝人。

1.Hi Mr.Uekusa , 請先跟 COOL 的朋友們打聲招呼

嗨 COOL的讀者們,我的名字是WesP/Mr. Uekusa。如果覺得這次的訪談很有趣,請來我的社交網站看看囉。







5.你在表演時總會放 Daft Punk 的《One More Time》,是因為這首歌特別會燃起觀看慾望嗎?還是對你有其他意義?







我想你在說得是 Cameo。這項服務是你可以委託我製作帶著給你特別訊息的客製化影片。我製作過生日和其他紀念日的客製化影片。我認為這是個與我的粉絲們互動和回饋的最佳方式。



English Version

Internet as a cross-culture, cross-nations virtual field is a place where creativity is measured.  Having a good material not only enables people of different cultural backgrounds to appreciate together; it can also penetrate peoples’ hearts and arouse resonate topics.  Such freedom also changes our idea about entertainment.  From un-boxing, food critic, live streaming et al genre with personal interpretation could expand into a brand new amazing public theme.  Even the niche hobby is able to bring people of common interest together into a fiery social group through gradual establishment.

However, if we are to pick one representative out of all sorts of special figures, Uekusa/WES-P, a comedian from YOSHIMOTO KOGYO CO., LTD., is the must-mentioned candidate out of all the people in the world that share their creativity.  With “one piece of cloth and all sorts of props”, he participated in different shows such as Britain’s Got Talent, Gerogia’s Got Talent.  People are familiar with his famous performance, and US West Coast rapper Snoop Dogg dubbed him as the Magician which no doubt for him to move from Japan to the world.

In addition to the above, people still talked about Mr. Uekusa’s classic performance in the Italian show [Tú sí que vales!] in 2018 in which he stacked three glasses of water on top of the cloth on his body in front of the audience, he extracted the cloth instantly keeping the three glasses of water standing.  It was very difficult for anyone to perform as Mr. Uekusa as the his strength and the tensile force among the objects must be mastered properly; and performing in front of live audience made it even more challenging.

Mr. Uekusa’s performance in French Got Talent show [La France] proved this.  He pulled a stocking over his head and laid a glass of water on top of it and used the high physical reflectivity of stockings to ensure the superimposed items would not fall to complete his zero error performance.  With his classic expression after the success, the audience all clapped and applauded.  The staff on the side of the stage tried to simultaneously duplicate his performance and failed.  Thus we know that Mr. Uekusa’s performance cannot be duplicated by others.

Of course pulling the tablecloth is not the only performance of Mr. Uekusa.  Due to the advancement of technology in recent years, we can see in his Instagram, official channel ウエスP -Mr Uekusa- Wes-Pon YouTube and uespiiiii.1115 on TikTok other extended performances such as drone pulling the tablecloth, lighting sparkler with a plunger, mentos in cola eruption challenge, poker chip challenge, et al and he was able to relate current affair memes with his own superb performances.  BitStar of Japan this year even selected Mr. Uekusa as the top 10 video creator ranking of the first half of 2022.

In order to understand the way Mr. Uekusa creates his videos, we invite him for an interview hoping to get to know this comedian even better.

1.Hi Mr. Uekusa, please say hi to friends in COOL.

Hi COOL readers, my name is WesP/Mr. Uekusa. Please check out my social media if you find this interview interesting!

2. How did you start to have this interest?

I started out as a comedic entertainer in Japan, and wanted to perform on TV and many different kinds of media. To stand out from others I started to do something different.

3. Where did the inspiration of pulling table cloth in nude come from?

I’ve been doing this table cloth pulling trick on different parts of my body for a while before I realized I had no more space to do it on. So eventually that lead to me doing the table cloth pulling with a tea cup on my nude body.

4.Were you embarrassed when you started the performance?

I don’t feel embarrassed anymore, but I might’ve felt like so when I started out my career. It’s been a long time.

5.You always have “One More Time” by Daft Punk as your background music for performance, is it because this song ignites desire for watching or does it have other meanings to you?

I was looking for an internationally popular song to use in my performance, and I heard this cool tune play on a commercial. That is when I decided to play this song during my act.

6. Do you have a most unforgettable lapse during your performance?

One time I accidentally dropped the tea cup when I was doing my act and the audience almost saw my…private area.

7.Which is your most proud performance?

I’m very proud of the table cloth pulling tricks I’ve invented using a drone.

8.We notice that you offer customized video; could you explain to friends in Taiwan what kind of content is provided with purchase?

I think you are talking about Cameo. This is a service where you can commission me to make custom videos with special messages just for you. I’ve done birthdays and other anniversaries. I think it is a great way for me to interact and give back to my fans.

9. Could you reveal your plan for the future?

I hope to work hard and be widely known so I could perform live all over the world.


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Tags: Mr Uekusa