網路社群的興起不只是 Youtube,社群發展及每個平台的完整性,於現今早形成了一種新興的娛樂勢力。筆者還記得通過閱讀 Youtube 商務總監 Maany Peyvan 的《STREAMPUNKS》書籍裡亦說道:「台灣多數的使用者願意花在 Youtube 的時間不斷增加,而台灣的觀眾也很喜歡串流直播的即時性,於全球市場的排名數一數二。」
可若要從案例中篩選,來自韓國的 Eunji Pyo 可謂是該職業類型的人中之選,她除了是一名模特兒,更身兼 Youtuber,直播主以及 DJ(a.k.a. DJ Henney)的身份,甚至首支單曲《Melt Away》亦在 Youtube 創下百萬瀏覽的紀錄。
雖然大家可能會說像這樣的人現在很多,但事實上要像其人能夠平衡得宜的創作者並非多數,因於眾多平台相似的主題中,她憑藉更開放的態度以及好的素材讓不同文化背景的人共同鑑賞。今番,於「潮流社論」專題裡,筆者便有幸邀請遠在海外的 Eunji Pyo 做專訪,感興趣的粉絲不妨一起來了解其心路歷程。
1.雖然台灣很多粉絲都有訂閱妳的 YouTube 頻道,但還是再請妳真正完整介紹一次自己
Hi,台灣的粉絲大家好,我叫 Eunji Pyo,我身兼韓國模特兒,實況主以及 Youtuber。
2.妳身兼了模特兒, Youtuber,DJ,遊戲直播主等多重身份,是如何在職業中平衡工作心態?
哈哈,我的確擁有許多身份。幾天前也才剛發表了我的第二張單曲。耶!我猜我只是很享受我所做的,並熱愛我能做很多事的事實。忙碌讓我很快樂,因為那表示很多人喜歡我 : )。
3.據了解妳的母校是美國知名密西根大學,並擁有 CPA 會計師資歷,是什麼原因讓妳捨棄所學轉換不同跑道?
4.而在這兼具的身份中,我們也很好奇怎麼會走上 DJ 這條路?對妳來說音樂代表什麼?
擔任 DJ 並不是我的選擇,是經紀公司的建議。我不知道能拿音樂幹什麼,也不知道 DJ 到底是做什麼的。老實說,我根本不喜歡,現在也不在當 DJ 了,哈哈。因為我個人偏好安靜的音樂,也不上夜店或去擁擠的地方。
嗯,我並不認為這是競爭,而是把 YouTube 當做是我可以展現才華與美貌,和我的粉絲分享有趣內容的地方。如果我把這當作是競爭,對我來說就會備感壓力。我自己也不看太多 YouTube,除非是動物頻道 lol。
7.畢竟我們是潮流媒體,還想請問妳有喜歡什麼樣的風格或服飾品牌嗎?因為我看到妳穿 Comme des Garçons 的衣服。
我不會特別挑牌子,但對衣服的合身度很挑剔。我身材嬌小,所以多數的衣服除非是 XXS 尺寸,不然對我來說都嫌大。因為喜歡穿顯瘦和緊身的衣服,我總是需要修改衣服。我喜歡穿緊身的衣服來充份顯示我的曲線。
我從來沒去過台灣,也沒有台灣朋友,所以我對台灣的男性毫無概念 lol。我喜歡成熟,冷靜,態度良好的男性。
9.未來有機會來台灣表演嗎?以筆者自己私心來說,很想聽妳現場唱 《Melt Away》
我一直想對台灣粉絲說謝謝。我真的擁有很高比例的台灣訂閱者。也許該學學說台灣話 lol。無論如何,謝謝你們的支持也希望將來可以見到你們!我會推薦我的新歌《AMASIA》,哈哈哈。
image via_ yuvinzakk_asyouwishtyc
誠如 Eunji Pyo 所言,在百般競爭的 Youtubers 環境下,她寧願將其看待成展現自己才華的地方,若太過於把一些「目的性」放置首位那必然會產生龐大的壓力。事實上這句話足以反應出在領域層面的思考,因為太多人在經營自己時,到後期僅是一昧的滿足目標對象,而忘記自己最初的形象建立,導致很難在市場長久的廣泛執行,有多少個案例這邊便就不再舉例了。
另外從 Eunji Pyo 經歷來看,其實她也指出了與大家人生相關切的選擇,因為在社會上雖有許多人做著人人稱羨的工作,但這可能對於某些人來說,或是因為家人的期待等不可避免的壓力而走上了這條路。筆者不否認 Eunji Pyo 是因緣際而獲從改變,但她憑藉自己的努力也終於成功交出漂亮的人氣成績單。
說到底,這也就像我們能從 Eunji Pyo 做的核心道理窺探-「自己就是品牌,如何通過文字,音樂,影像維持自己的個人識別,完全掌握在自己的手中。」
The rising of the internet social media group is not limited to YouTube; integrity of the social group development and each platform now form a new entertainment force. Author remember reading in the《STREAMPUNKS》by YouTube Chief Business Officer Maany Peyvan that, “Time of most Taiwanese users willing to spend on YouTube increases, and Taiwanese audience also like the immediacy of the live-streaming, making Taiwan rank top in the global market.”
The field of free creation broadens its borders in the world within these years; from exploring world anecdotes, to un-boxing, food review, game live-stream et al diversify themes, allowing people in the world to browse and subscribe according to their preference. Influencers that turn the camera to themselves no longer need to produce to please most of the people as the public figures in the past did, but finding their own target group of in their positioning.
If we must choose from many cases, Eunji Pyo from Korea is no doubt the best selection. In addition to being a model, she is also a YouTuber, a live-streamer, and a DJ (a.k.a. DJ Henney); her first single《Melt Awa》creates million views on YouTube.
People might say that there are a lot of these kinds of people, but the fact is that there are not many creators that could gain proper balance as she does. Out of all the platforms with similar themes, she is able to make people from different culture backgrounds appreciate her good materials and open attitude. This time, the author is privileged to have the opportunity to interview Eunji Pyo in the “trend editorial”; fans could join us to learn about her journey.
1.Although many fans in Taiwan subscribe to your YouTube, could you give us a complete introduction to yourself again?
Hi Taiwanese viewers and fans My name is Eunji Pyo. I’m a Korean Model, Youtuber, and Streamer.
2. With multiple identities as a model, Youtuber, DJ, live streamer et al, how do you balance your attitudes among all these professions?
I do have multiple identities haha. I also released my 2nd Single Album a few days ago. Yay!I guess I just enjoy what I do and love the fact that I can do multiple things. Being busy is always happy because that means more people wants me
3. We understand that you graduated from the renowned University of Michigan and holds a CPA credential. What made you give up what you’ve learned and turn to other path?
First, let me correct this. I’m not actually graduated from U of M, it’s another University in Michigan.
I always wanted to be in front of the camera since when I was really young like 5 years old. That was my first and the most wanted dream. but I was a good student and didn’t want to gamble my life and chasing rainbows. I mean, become successful as an idol or actress isn’t easy and it doesn’t depend on how much effort you put on. Sometimes, it’s just one’s fate. So I decided to study because that’s what I was good at, and got a good job. I worked at an investment company after I graduated from university. Even though my parents were happy and everyone envied me but I wasn’t happy at all. I felt like this wasn’t what I really wanted to do with my life. And one day, one photographer asked me to be a model for his work by chance. That just changed my life. It was so fun and I realized that this was what I really wanted. After that photo shoot, I got calls for modeling works and I quit my job and become a model. that’s how it started.
4. Among all these identities, we are curious about what leads you to DJ? What does music mean to you?
DJ was not my choice. it was management’s suggestion. I had no idea what to do with music and what DJ actually does. Honestly, I did not enjoy it and I’m not doing DJing anymore haha. Because I personally prefer quiet music and I do not go clubbing or crowded places
5.There are many talented Youtubers making the competition rather stiff; what is your view on the Youtuber ecology circle?
Um… I really don’t see it as a competition. I rather see Youtube as a place where that I can show my own talents and beauty and share fun content with my fans.If I take it as a competition, it would be very stressful for me. I also don’t watch that much youtube either except the animals channel lol
6. Every creator has a different presentation and while trying to capture the attention of the audience, it seems inevitable to show one’s body. In this age that first impression makes people stay or go; would you like people to pay more attention on your body or your creation?
I’m a model, which means my appearance is my career. I always take it as a compliment when someone pays attention to my appearance. Of course it makes me happy when they enjoy my content too. I guess either way I’m good
7.We are after all fashion media and we notice you wear Comme des Garcons; what clothing style or brand do you prefer?
I’m not picky with the brand, but I’m very picky with how it fits me. I’m a very petite person so most of the clothes are big on me unless they are in xxs. I Always have to alter my clothes since I love wearing slim and tight fits. I like to wearing tight clothes to show my curves at the best.
8. We would also like to ask for our fans, how do you find Taiwanese men and what type of men attracts you?
I’ve never been to Taiwan or I don’t have any Taiwanese friends. So I have no idea what Taiwanese men are like lol I like men who are mature, calm, and have a good manner.
9. Is it possible for you to come to Taiwan to perform in the future? For me personally, I would really love to listen to your live performance on《Melt Away》.
Haha I would love to if there’s any chance in the future. Really want to visit Taiwan someday
10. Finally, do you want to say something to your fans in Taiwan? Could you recommend your favorite songs and movies?
I always wanted to say thank you to Taiwanese fans. I do have a really high percentage of Taiwanese subscribers. I might have to learn how to speak Taiwanese lol
Anyways thank you so much for your supports and hope to meet you guys someday in the future! I would recommend my new song《AMASIA》hahaha
Just as Eunji Pyo says, under the competitive YouTubers environment, she would rather see it as a place to show her talent. Putting too much on the “purpose” would result in much pressure. In fact, this sentence reflects the thinking in the field level. Many people when operating themselves tend to seek to satisfy their target viewers in the later stage and forget their initial image building, which results in the difficulty for them to operate extensively and last long in the market. There are too many examples that we don’t need to name any here.
From Eunji Pyo’s journey, she also points out the choice that is closely related to everyone’s life. There are a lot of people working at the jobs that people envy; but for some of them, it may be a path due to family expectation et al inevitable pressure. Author does not deny that Eunji Pyo is lucky enough to change her fate out of luck; but she also works hard to achieve her own success.
After all, this is what we have learned from Eunji Pyo’s work, that the core essence is that “yourself is the brand; how do you maintain your personal identification through words, music and images is completely within your own grasp.”