NBA 今日例行賽明尼蘇達灰狼在主場對金州勇士的比賽,灰狼以 114 : 110 戰勝勇士,在比賽決勝時刻,灰狼識破勇士戰術,封死了 Klay Thompson 嘗試出手追平三分球,拿下勝利。賽後 Anthony Edwards 透露這是助教 Micah Nori 的功勞。
這場比賽最後時刻,灰狼在 Anthony Edwards 兩罰俱中後領先 3 分,勇士隊還有機會追平,結果他們讓 3 位王朝功臣打了一個配合的戰術, Draymond Green 傳球, Stephen Curry 幫 Klay Thompson 掩護在弱側邊製造一個可以直接接球出手的空檔。
事實上 Thompson 確實有出手的機會,但灰狼球員 Kyle Anderson 已經有所準備,立刻對位上籃伸出長臂封阻,最後那一球沒有投進,灰狼隨後靠罰球鎖定勝利。
Major props from the Wolves players in the locker room for Wolves assistant Micah Nori, who apparently drew up Golden State’s final play (for the Klay 3) in the Wolves huddle during the timeout.
— Dane Moore (@DaneMooreNBA) March 25, 2024
賽後, Edwards 接受了記者採訪,透露是灰狼助理教練 Micah Nori 看出了勇士要打的戰術,「 Micah 是個天才,我們叫了暫停,而 Micah 沒有去到教練團那邊,而是來到了我們幾個人圍著的地方,說『他們會跑這樣的戰術,要做好準備』。結果他們真的跑出了相同的戰術,他真是個天才。 」
Timberwolves giving a lot of credit to assistant Micah Nori for knowing exactly what the Warriors were going to run on Thompson’s missed three. “He ran it for us.” (In the huddle), Naz Reid said.
— Chris Hine (@ChristopherHine) March 25, 2024
球隊前鋒 Naz Reid 也對 Micah Nori 讚不絕口,直言:「他跑了一次(勇士隊的)戰術給我們看。」如此,也難怪勇士最終無法製造出空檔,球隊這一場輸得不冤。
This marks the @Timberwolves second season series sweep against Golden State (first in 1997-98, 4-0).
— Timberwolves PR (@Twolves_PR) March 25, 2024